The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 165

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 165

Chapter 165: Brooklyn’s Reasons

Before Sean and Reese could have that talk again, Brooklyn’s lawyer arrived with divorce papers. It should have bothered Sean, but his mind was elsewhere, thanks to Reese’s revelation. Sean was earnestly worried for his friend.

He was very protective of Reese in the past, especially after her father passed away. Sean made it a point to make her smile and distract her from grieving. He often invited her to parties and events. Sean even dragged Reese along to some of his nights out with Brooklyn.

Back then, he was still wooing Brooklyn. Sean had clearly explained to Brooklyn Reese’s situation and how she needed a friend. The way Sean saw it, Brooklyn didn’t mind, or at least, he thought she didn’t.

Now, Sean realized everything had changed after bringing Reese along the third time. Then, when Sean and Brooklyn got together, Reese evaded Brooklyn altogether. Two months after, her family left town. 1

Sean scoffed at the divorce agreement draft, seeing how Brooklyn wanted all rights to Balance Point Accounting Firm. She wanted the villa too!

“Really, Brooklyn?” Sean said. “I paid for the villa!”

Sean leaned back in his seat, shaking his head, wondering, “What happened to you, Brooklyn? What happened to us?” 3


Another day passed. Sean and Reese were on their way to see Doctor Phil at the hospital. In the car, Sean said, “We need to finish that talk.”

“What talk?” Reese asked.

“About your daughter? I swear I’m going to find your daughter’s father and strangle him with my bare hands,” Sean said.

Reese chuckled and replied, “I don’t think that’s possible.”

Sean kept pestering Reese, but all the same, she found ways to change the topic. When they finally arrived at the hospital, Reese gave up and suggested, “Tell you what, I will talk to you about it once we sort out your knee problems.”

“What? We don’t even know how long it will be,” Sean protested.

Silence fell upon Reese. As she pushed Sean’s wheelchair, she belatedly answered, “Just give me time. It’s not easy for me to talk about it.”

When they arrived at Doctor Phil’s shared clinic, the doctor wasted no time explaining, “You are sensitive to metal. So the solution? We need to

wear and tear. I take it you are an active person, Mister

go with this option?”

questions and concerns, but Reese was familiar with them and found confidence in the procedure.

do that, let’s get you ready for the


was a solution to his knee pains. He was just about to propose a celebration with Reese

didn’t bother him for work whenever Brooklyn was in the office, for the assistant knew he was still recovering from his operations. So why was he calling

asked. “Is

take it anymore. If you are not coming back, I’m

should know this.”

couldn’t take it

him at first, but knowing Drew had always had good intentions, he clicked

office! The video went on, lasting for minutes longer. It did not take a genius where it might lead, but Sean bore

was watching the exact same thing. She was holding her breath, her hand over her mouth. “Oh,

to fucking see!”

hospital parking area when it all happened. A few eyes were on them, curious

did not bat an eye for them. His attention

continued, capturing Brooklyn having sex

their accounting firm. Sean knew they were close, but he never imagined they could be intimate! Many questions rang in his head.

looking than Aaron, and he was more

Brooklyn and Aaron came. Aaron spanked her ass, saying, “You

up, thanks to his medications,” Brooklyn said while putting

around before you dated Sean. We

a little conventional. If he finds out we were fucking, he might not

this, but I’m glad Sean met an accident,”

help me transfer company funds to my account, okay? I feel he won’t let go of the company that easily,” Brooklyn said. “We should at least transfer funds and

the video, a knock on the door interrupted the

week. I only had the courage to

ordered the driver to take

it? What is he going to do? Start a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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