The CEO’s Surrogate Wife

Chapter156 She told the secret after drinking 2

"Little Alex, do you like me?" Miya looks at Alex with blurring and big eyes, and then she even smiles on her own. If it's normal, she will not stupidly ask such an idiot question.

"Huh? Do you want me to like you?" As he speaks, Alex already presses on her body, with a strong desire at the bottom of his eyes.

"Don't you like that Susan? I've been flattering myself." Miya said, half narrowing her eyes, as if she has a feeling of top-heavy. She feels dizzy.

"Huh? Do you flatter yourself?" Alex grabs the key point of Miya's words and says in a strange tone. Does she fall in love with him? Doesn't she like Adam? At the thought of Adam, Alex's eyes can't help darkening a bit.

"Well..." Miya feels uncomfortable with Alex's body and can't help groaning, and her little hand is pushing Alex, as if trying to get him up from her.

Alex sits up with the desire of his lower body, looking at the gorgeous woman.

"Who is your favorite person? Don't you love your husband?" Alex asks softly, and he can't help expecting it. What this woman will never say, he doesn't know if she will say it after being drunk.

"Little Alex, I love little Alex best, but..." when she says that, she even chokes, as if it is very heartbreaking.

loves others!" Her appearance is so helpless, making people

heart, with a feeling of ecstasy. She said she loved him. It was him!! It's not Adam. Adam

seems that he seldom heard

"Husband?" Miya frowns slightly, as if thinking about

"Yes, What about your husband? What's your husband's name?" Alex

smiles at this moment d and covers Alex's mouth.

don't have a husband. I made up a story and lied to little

much. But he must

Miya says proudly, it seems that he is saying, who

to Miya. She says that she has only one man. What's the matter with her two children? Besides, he is sure that her two children are absolutely hers, because Joey's eyes are so similar to

the woman six years ago? At this moment, his heart

Alex. Will your little Alex be angry when he knows the truth? Don't you have two children? How can you have only little Alex?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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