Loreen was very upset and pissed as well. She was the daughter of the Thomas family and there was no way she would take the blame so innocently, so she pushed the door, got out of the car immediately, and shouted back, “Hey, shut up! It’s your fault in the first place! Can’t you see I was reversing into the spot? Are you fucking blind? How dare you scold me first!”

The young man did not expect that Loreen would talk back at him. He yelled, “Oh my fucking god, another stupid female driver! Nine out of ten dumbest drivers on the road are women! Can you even fucking drive? If you can’t, go back to your mother’s womb and learn how to drive before you come out again, don’t embarrass yourself like this!”

Then, he added, “I’ve just bought this car for a hundred grand and you’ve scratched it, goddamnit! How much do you want to pay?”

Loreen frowned and retorted, “Hey, first things first! I saw the space first and was already halfway into it when you came out of nowhere and tried to snatch the spot! It was your fault! How dare you scold me first?!”

The young man growled in great dismay, “What? Can’t I scold you since you are in the wrong? It’s justified! Besides, I’m not only scolding you but I’m also going to slap you!”

hand and wanted to grab Loreen’s hair. Loreen was shocked by his

come quick!

and snorted, “Wow, such a beauty. Sleep with me tonight and I’ll let this

and wanted to pull Claire into his embrace, but his

grasped his arm and shouted, “Hey, where did you come out

“It’s normal to have some accidents on the road, isn’t it? Can’t we

“Huh, I have nothing to say to you fucking poor faggots! Three people in a broken old Mercedes that isn’t even worth a dime second-hand! Who do you think you are to be so bossy around

scratched my car. Tell

parking spot first, so we were here first and we parked first. You ignorant brat came out of nowhere and tried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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