The journey to the hospital was about 15 miles. The smell in the car was comparable to a septic tank, a living hell to the people in the car.

When they arrived at the hospital, they helped Kian out of the car and slowly walked toward the hospital. Suddenly, the weird feeling slowly crippled Kian’s mind again…

First, he felt dizzy and had a headache, then, he looked at the people around him in despair and cried, “Damn it… guys, the feeling is here again… If I lose my mind again, remember, you guys must hold me down!”

Shocked, they nodded reflexively, but inside, they were thinking, ‘We definitely will try to hold you back as much as we can, but whether we can hold you back or not, that’s a completely different story…’

Then, as if Kian had suddenly morphed into his hysterical disguise, he shouted anxiously, “Where is the toilet?! Where is the toilet?!”

Everyone exchanged nervous glances, and they saw the desperation in each other’s eyes…

Damn it, he had started again!

they to

him down!

his waist, pressed him down on the floor, and held his limbs tightly, trying to restrain his struggle.

Kian with great effort, but Kian was struggling violently like a feral dog being apprehended. One of the boys shouted, “Oh damn, guys, I don’t think

him down, don’t let go!” the other boy said, “I’ll remove my belt,

“Okay, good idea!”

to the floor by his friends. His eyes as red as beetroot,

take a second look. After all, it was common to find a couple of patients who went berserk as

lived in the family quarters behind the hospital approached the hospital entrance with an enormous husky on his leash. The husky sniffed its surroundings, circled at

shouted at the old man, “Get your dog away from here, damn it! Don’t let

at him in

Old coot, just get your fucking dog away from here!

let it do so comfortably and then just clean up after it. I don’t want to make its life miserable. Who do you think you are to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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