What Jordan really meant was, “You, Charlie Wade, are nothing but an outsider. Please stay away from the Weaver family’s affairs!”

Liam felt as if he had fallen from the sky to hell when he heard his heartless father’s remark.

He realized that he had been tricked—very miserably too!

His father had never wanted to give him the chance at all!

Even if he surrendered his mother’s precious snow ginseng to plead Charlie to save his family, his father would never want to elect him as the company’s chairman.

in dismay and asked coldly, “Oh? Are you

Well, the other day, I told both my sons that whoever could solve this problem for our family will have a bigger chance

was being completely shameless and dishonest. He changed his claim from confirmation to ‘having a bigger chance’, which turned the control of the agenda back into his hands. It was like tossing a coin in his hand in which he could decide on

by Charlie’s interference. Kenneth left anyway, and the crisis had been resolved, so he had no reason to be afraid of Charlie anymore. He blurted in annoyance, “Charlie, it’s our family’s affairs, it’s none

speaking, I will never hand over my company to the son of a bitch from Mount Golmin. I’ve slept with so many women in my entire life and this bastard’s mom was the worst of them all. She was nothing but a

did you just

so many years, we’ve let you stay under the roof, we’ve fed you, we’ve provided you with education, and this

He had admitted defeat,

in the Weaver family anymore. It was better to just

his fists, gritted his teeth, and said, “Alright! From now on, I have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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