Winston couldn’t help but ask, “Wilfred, in the past, when someone broke through three meridians, almost all martial arts families would send people to bring gifts.

Among all the martial artists, the spotlight will naturally be different for a while, but would it seem too different if we were to close our doors to everyone at this important time?”

Wilfred said seriously, “Big brother, I could only make such a major breakthrough thanks to the help of a nobleman.

All Elms family members will take the lead from this nobleman in the future, and this nobleman will give the Elms family a lot of very scarce cultivation resources in the future.

Believe me, this will certainly benefit the whole Elms family.

In perhaps as little as a few years, the Elms family will have the next person who breaks through the three meridians, and perhaps in a few more years, there will be another person like me who breaks through the four meridians.

By that time, the strength of our Elms family will be incomparable!

Winston nodded immediately and said excitedly, “In this case, I will naturally listen to you!”

The people left behind, men, women and children, were all very loyal to the Elms family and to Wilfred, so at this time, they will naturally support any decision he makes.

realized that after his eldest son left with the group of people, there were fewer voices of opposition

also made him realize

have to deal with endless internal

family would twist into a rope and work

another thing to announce to the public that all

on, the door of The Elms family will not be opened for anyone who

by bus, a huge uproar took the martial arts field by storm! The

out, it immediately detonated the whole domestic martial arts field! At present, 90% of the hundreds of thousands of martial artists in China had only opened

that could open up two meridians accounted for 9.999% of the

five people in the country are known to open up three meridians and

all five of these people were in the four top

which has two Elite warriors, only one of

for the four meridians, before

to say, Wilfred is the only one among domestic martial artists who had

Wilfred had become the strongest person in the field

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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