Leroy said with a firm expression, “I think, these people ignore the tragic experience and bitter hatred of their ancestors, only care about their own interests and even go so far as to betray their comrades who fought side by side, they should be put to death!”

“What is the difference between these people and the traitor Changbo, who let the Warriors Den into the country and even killed the Southern Ming Emperor Yongli with his own hands?”

Charlie did not expect that when Leroy mentioned traitors, he was thinking of Changbo from hundreds of years ago.

However, he quickly understood the reason for it.

The ancestors of these Cavalry Guards, there should be many of them, were Southern Ming people, southern Ming was the last dynasty of Han people, for the Han people at that time, Changbo was the most traitorous traitor in this world.

Not only did he put the Warriors Den into the country for his own glory and wealth, taking away the rivers and mountains of the Han people but he even acted as a pawn for the Warriors Den, committing many unforgivable crimes against his own countrymen and clansmen.

that this man, who was originally a minister of the Ming Dynasty, personally captured the last emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty, Emperor Yongli, and killed him with his own hands after surrendering to the Warriors Den,

almost be counted among

Charlie waved his hand to Leroy and said, “Although I agree with your evaluation of these people, I do not agree with

do you think

“It is always easy to kill, but most of the time, killing is a lack of sufficient justice, you are after all only a group, not a sound society, you want to kill them, firstly, it is impossible to rely on, secondly, it may not be able to fully convince the public, In case your

“Sir, what do you wanna do

the control of the Warriors Den and I am not your new master, but only reached a fair agreement with you, the content of this agreement is that I provide you with the antidote, you fight against the Warriors Den with

Den is eradicated, this agreement will be

of this agreement, you will have to follow the agreement with me, but within you, you will need to establish a credible internal order and any internal matters should be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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