Seeing Jagoan standing at the door in a daze, Angela couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wade, what’s the matter?”

Just then, a waiter approached and said, “Please follow me…”

Jagoan nodded and followed the waiter inside, but not without taking a special glance at the small bell hanging on the sliding door. In that moment, inspiration struck him. If the Warriors Den were to send a Marshal to Aurous Hill in the future, he needed a “bell” of his own, a warning system to alert him.

After taking a seat with Angela, Jagoan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zachary, who had recently become Don Albert’s trusted military advisor. He asked Zachary to meet him at the mid-level villa in Elys-Champ Hot Spring at noon the following day.

Zachary had been doing an excellent job, reorganizing Don Albert’s industries and personnel with great success. As a result, most of the day-to-day affairs were now handled by Zachary, while Don Albert spent the majority of his time at Elys-Champ. Jagoan needed Zachary’s assistance to bring his recent idea to fruition.

bit embarrassed and cautious

apologize to Jagoan, saying, “Mr. Wade, I’m really sorry… I should have informed

her. He smiled and replied, “Isn’t a pleasant

couldn’t help

against his true feelings, he understood that Angela had traveled a long way and he couldn’t afford to be indifferent. It would have been a huge disappointment for her, potentially impacting

hearing his affirmation, her worries seemed to dissipate, and a radiant smile instantly graced her face. She glanced at Jagoan with a touch of shyness and whispered, “I was afraid that coming to Aurous Hill without informing

without hesitation, “You are my friend. When I came to Hong Kong, you took good care of me, and now that you’ve come to Aurous Hill to pursue your goals, I couldn’t be happier. If you ever need

enthusiastically. “Okay, I

acted as if he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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