Chapter 25 Do You Regret Removing This Child?

Lysander found Daphne’s words to be quite reasonable.

At twenty-six, she considered herself fully mature, capable of handling a breakup with the same level of maturity as an adult.

Daphne, being only seventeen at the time, was more prone to impulsive behavior. Despite facing death once, with all her bones broken, she had managed to come back to life.

Lysander inquired, “How did you manage to get through that?”

Daphne shrugged indifferently. “I just did. Everyone goes through heartbreak at some point. Time heals everything.”

Lysander nodded in understanding.

Ultimately, time was the best healer.

She wasn’t afraid of feeling sad; she just hoped this period of sadness could be shortened, even just a bit.

Suddenly, Daphne winked playfully at her. “They say the fastest way to get over a past relationship is to dive into a new one. Want me to introduce you to a few?”

Lysander shook her head. “Do you think I’m in the mood for that right now?”

She gently touched her lower abdomen, still feeling the pain from the

back of hers. “Lysander, do you regret

her lips and shook

our conversation yesterday, I understood. Regarding the fate of this child, you actually made up your


you’ve made up your mind,” Daphne said. “The biggest fear people have is not making the wrong choice but not having the chance

marriage had given her some insight. Lately, her social media feed had been filled with either melancholic or inspirational

through the comments, Lysander noticed a

‘Going through a

I’m not falling in love, but I’m focused on


insight, added. Going


repeat their mistakes, while the wise expand

an eyebrow. Are you preparing for a postgraduate entrance


changed, her

thought someone had struck a nerve again and refreshed the page, but there were no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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