Chapter 31 Not Many Devoted Fools in the World

Lysander remarked, “Josiah never dated before either

He had always been firmly pushed over by Lysander to the reserve bench known as being “best friends”, and he had never been in a relationship before.

“He is different from Josiah. He doesn’t love a woman he can’t have. Adrian is truly oblivious to the outside world, focusing solely on reading the classics. Even when he was overseas where temptations were everywhere, he remained unaffected.”



“If someone confessed to you the day after the breakup in your senior year of high school, could you accept it?”

Daphne fell silent.

After several minutes, she softly sighed. “Well, no one can get over it that quickly.”


“Still, it doesn’t matter. Adrian had waited for seven to eight years, and he didn’t mind waiting a little. longer. I really think highly of him. You should really consider dating him.”

Lysander closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.



friend of Daphne’s family, which meant they were

know Josiah. Even if they did

to be the “knight in shining armor” who would take on Josiah’s ex-

she also had

a woman who had

retorted, saying, “Josiah accepted it. Not only did he accept you, but he was also willing to be a father to another man’s

are not many


710 + 32

1 Coins

1 Pearls

Not Many Devoted Fools

while reality was its own

wealthy man after being divorced. In reality, there would be too many

by the sudden news and was foolishly overjoyed. However, once she thoroughly analyzed the situation, the

days that followed, Lysander was doing

the number

had wanted to do but never had time for, like morning runs, cooking, and baking. She

at the gym and coming home

she seemed to have moved on from the failed marriage

that saddened her happened one day when she was on her way home from the gym. A little girl around one year old hugged her leg and cried

Her heart suddenly ached.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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