Chapter 33 Unmistakably Fixed On Her

As the month drew close, Lysander resumed her hospital duties following her annual leave, feeling almost fully recovered.

Her colleagues and the expectant mothers in the ward warmly welcomed her, but only Lynn was privy to the intricacies of the situation. She felt an urge to say something whenever Lysander appeared, yet hesitated and held back.

When Lysander returned from her rounds, she noticed Lynn’s flushed face-—a clear sign that she was holding back some words. She couldn’t help but chuckle and told Lynn, “Just speak your mind. There’s no need to hold back.”

Lynn asked, “Dr. Thorne, do you intend to divorce your husband?”

“Yes, just one final procedure remains. I’ll spend half an hour at the Civil Affairs Bureau to wrap it up,” Lysander replied.

Burdened with unspoken thoughts, Lynn bit her lip while anxiously gazing at Lysander. Yet, she struggled to find the right words for a moment.

Lysander offered a comforting pat on her shoulder and reassured her, “Don’t overthink it. Let’s get back

to work.”

After much consideration, Lysander decided to forgo an overseas assignment.

to apply, she decided not to do so as the deadline approached following her miscarriage

the dean, her explanation remained straightforward, “There are a few expectant mothers

bring yourself to leave your husband, then don’t. There’s

and responded,

Lysander received the news that the hospital had chosen another candidate for the overseas

of pregnant women being admitted to the hospital, which kept

busyness of her work, deriving a sense of fulfillment from its demands. Meanwhile, Lynn spent her afternoon anxiously pacing back and forth at

completing surgery, Lysander couldn’t help but ask Lynn, “What



“Dr. Thorne, there’s something odd happening. It feels like someone constantly watches us

it seriously, Lysander asked, “Any horror

at all,”

seen anyone suspicious around

responded, “No, but the sensation is there. I have a constant feeling of being watched.

or unruly family members to hospital

a good idea. I’ll go

shift, rain began to fall outside, casting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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