Chapter 35 Awaiting The One He Truly Loves

Yet, remorse crept into Lysander in the next moment

She thought, I haven’t done anything wrong in this mess. As a doctor, I did my duty by Lysanne. I help her through her pregnancy.

I even stepped back, letting Josiah be with the one he loves.

I didn’t do anything wrong, so why should I hide?

Sensing a disturbance, the Uber driver turned to Lysander and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“My back is aching, and I need to lie down,” Lysander explained.

“Are you a doctor?” the Uber driver asked.

Lysander replied, “Yes.”

Offering sympathy, the Uber driver remarked, “Oh… Doctors often endure long hours standing during surgeries, so it’s no surprise your back hurts. Just lie down and rest. There’s a traffic officer ahead guiding the traffic. We’ll be moving soon.”

“Okay,” Lysander simply replied.

Josiah and Lysanne walked by, they appeared unaware of Lysander’s presence. They stood under the trees by the roadside, and Josiah used

unexpected quietness allowed Lysander to overhear

pick you up at home? You came all the way here while

in a different direction. It’s too much trouble to go home and fetch me. We can meet at the hospital entrance so you don’t have

“Come closer. Your hair is

let him finish drying her hair. While Josiah focused on this, she

response was immediate.


“Okay,” Josiah acknowledged.

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1 Coins

1 Pearls

The One He

the implication, choosing

Lysanne continued, “Perhaps she takes your efforts for granted because there’s no love in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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