Chapter 37 Stop Addressing Me As Mrs Guerra

Daphne urgently sent Lysander an address but didn’t provide any explanation.

Lysander was surprised, thinking, Harper is usually calm and composed. She wouldn’t seek help without any serious reason. This must be urgent.

Without much inquiry, she directed the Uber driver, Take me to Lumina Tower.”

Upon arrival, Lysander found everything normal, with no commotion or unusual activity. She immediately called Daphne and asked, “Harper, where are you?”

Daphne replied, “I’m at Starbucks, sitting on the first table on the left as you enter.”

Lysander swiftly made her way to Starbucks on the ground floor of Lumina Tower. Once she entered the cafe, she spotted Daphne in the company of a young man.

Lysander called out to Daphne, “Harper?”

Daphne’s eyes brightened upon seeing her. She pulled Lysander close and wrapped an arm around her waist. She then turned to the young man and declared, “See? I told you the truth.”

Lysander was confused and asked, “What’s happening here?”

Daphne looked at Lysander reassuringly and gestured towards the man, stating, “Go back and put the blame on me.”

young man glanced at Lysander and then at Daphne. With a faint smile, he asked, “Miss Everhart, are you playing a game with

exerting much effort to remove Daphne’s grip from her waist, Lysander demanded, “Can someone please explain what’s going

hesitated, “Lysander, I…” Before she could finish her sentence, the young man


casual demeanor, he explained, “Let me clarify. My family set me up on a blind date with Miss Everhart, who claimed to be a

Daphne had given an absurd excuse. She glanced at Daphne and pondered, Even though

a strong connection. You and I can’t

softly remarked, “I think the two of you can’t

we be

confirm your orientation, but this lady


37 Stop Addressing Me As Mrs

“How do you

Lysander, “Mrs. Guerra, does Josiah

were both shocked by this unexpected

asked the young man, “Do you know

young man replied, mentioning two keywords, “Mirage”

suddenly recognized the man before her and asked, “Are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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