Chapter 39 Three Years of Marriage, Nothing but an Illusion

She moved into Daphne’s place on short notice, so she didn’t bring much except for some personal clothing and her bag.

Today, when she came out of the hospital, she used the bag to shield herself from the rain, but she still got quite wet. The tips of her hair got damp as well.

She didn’t like using leather bags, so the bag she carried was made of cloth, which could shield her from the rain. However, the bag itself was soaked through, and it probably wouldn’t finish drying by the time she had to go to work tomorrow.

The rest of the things could be easily bought, but this bag was not a brand-name product, just something she randomly bought at a roadside store. How did Josiah get his hands on an identical one?

Lysander felt a bit weary and realized that she didn’t want to delve into the reasons behind this


Whether it was out of guilt towards her, or pity for the child, she didn’t want any more complications.

The sarcastic words from Lysanne today seemed to still echo in her ears, and she didn’t want to engage in any more conversations with them.

Daphne asked, “Should we just return it like before?”

“Just throw it away.”

Daphne was a bit surprised. “We’re not returning it?”

“If Lysanne sees it when it’s returned, it will be troublesome.”


Lysander didn’t have any deep-seated hatred towards

the final choice. In the end,

to the garbage dump in the community, threw it into the trash can, and took


“I’ll post it on my status now. What caption should I write? Maybe

for words, just post the


posted it, she refreshed the page and saw that


on the internet 24/7? I just posted it less


“Isn’t it too soon?”

to see it have already seen it. That’s enough

thumbs up.

want to live my

an instant. She thought she was fortunate to have a good

realized that it was all just an illusion. She was just a witness to the love

that Josiah’s deep love for Lysanne was more

letting them treat me

came in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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