Chapter 64 If Josiah Turned Around

Lysander was taken to the central hospital.

The surgeon was Sergio Foreman, whom she was familiar with. After examining her, he said, “Don’t worry, there’s no problem with the bones. It’s just some sprains and abrasions. I’ll prescribe some blood-activating and stasis-resolving medicine for you. Don’t take a shower for a week.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Who wants to go with me to the pharmacy to get the medicine?”

Daphne stood up immediately, but Adrian was faster. He said to Daphne, “You accompany Lysander. I’ll


Since it was the hospital where he often worked, Lysander didn’t go to the surgical clinic but went straight to her office.

Daphne squatted on the ground while looking at the abrasions on her calf and said, “What’s wrong with you? She could drag you to commit suicide. Why did you save her?”

Lysander smiled bitterly. “I didn’t intend to save her.

you could have run to the other side, but you came back to block her to save

her. I…

important that you had to go back?” Daphne looked puzzled. “Isn’t saving your life the most important thing at this time? Why do

opened her palm to show her.

thing and her face turned a little distressed. “Why are you still keeping

give it to him.” Lysander smiled and said. “This wedding ring is quite expensive. It costs tens of thousands. It was bought after getting the marriage certificate, so it’s considered marital property. If Lysanne

speechless. “Don’t let her lead you astray. Even if it’s lost, so what? Just let her sue in court. She will fight for the ex-wife’s wedding ring. Let’s see if Josiah

want to have any more dealings with her. I want to cut her off cleanly and don’t want to leave her

scene today, getting involved with


asked, “Who




“Lysander, it’s me.”

paused for a moment,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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