Chapter 42 What Is Yours Will Always Be Yours


She scanned the QR code and added Lysanne.

Her profile picture was a photo of Josiah in a school uniform. His face didn’t look as mature and handsome as it did now, but instead had a hint of youthful innocence and arrogance. Still, it failed to hide his noble temperament.

And her WhatsApp nickname was “ForJosiah.”

ForJosiah? “Craving Josiah would suit her better.

Lysander directly turned off the screen and stuffed the phone back into the pocket of her white coat.

Lysanne was sitting across from her, very sure that she saw it, smiling and saying, “Josiah’s profile picture is a photo of me. I don’t think those couple-style profile pictures look very good, so I decided it’s better to use each other’s. We’ve been separated for a long time, and now that we’ve reunited, we want to see each other all the time. By doing so, we can see each other anytime, anywhere. I have to say, Josiah and I are both thirty years old, but when we’re together, we can get pretty childish…”

Josiah couldn’t bear it anymore, so he grabbed her hand and walked out without hesitation. “Alright, we’re done here. Let’s go.”

“Wait a second.” Lysander stopped him.

Josiah stopped in his tracks, looking helpless. “Lysander, I’m really sorry.”

“No need to apologize. Just take your things with you.

we can’t accept any gifts from patients. Please take it

into Josiah’s arms. then pushed the two of them out of the consultation room. She

Lynn slammed the door shut with a bang, isolating

her, and Lynn rolled her eyes in the direction of the door. “Does she have a screw loose or what? Are

and reminded

did Lynn shut up, but she still looked

joked, Does the OBGYN department

Balance: 1424 +442

01 Coins=

1 Pearls

13:35 Thu, May 30

Yours Will Always

than a

“Enough, Lynn.”


afternoon, with many more pregnant women coming

there were still a few people waiting in

half an hour, finished receiving the patients, and then prepared to

her out to eat today, and was waiting

arrive late, Daphne honked the horn. “Hurry up, there won’t be any spots left if you’re any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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