Chapter 56 Acquaintances Aren’t Necessarily Friends, They Might Be Enemies

As Adrian mentioned this, he slightly furrowed his brow. “She was involved in this case halfway through and suddenly returned to the country. The case was handed over to other lawyers, and I was just the doctor responsible for rescue at the time, providing a death certificate. This case had nothing to do with me, and I was also preparing to return to the country. The case probably hasn’t been adjudicated yet.”

Daphne couldn’t help but quip. “The efficiency abroad is as low as always. Tsk tsk.”

Adrian chuckled. “I have a very strong impression of that lawyer, Ms. Jane.”

“Why’s that?”

“It involves a girl’s private life; I respect her privacy rights, so I won’t say for now.”

Daphne pursed her lips. “That surely doesn’t sound good.”

Adrian smiled but didn’t say anything, essentially confirming it.

After a while, a waiter hurried over. “Hello.”

Daphne asked, “Is the pineapple rice out again? I knew it; your pineapple rice sells out so quickly. It’s fine. If it’s unavailable, just cancel the order.

The waiter shook his head. “The pineapple rice has already been ordered for you, but you have two friends who came over and said they want to share a table with you.”

“My friends?”

what they

looked at Adrian. “Did you invite anyone

furrowed his brow and shook his

did I.” Daphne confirmed with the waiter again. “Are

just talking to

waiter politely gestured, bending slightly. From lysander’s perspective, she could see Lysanne’s

immediately refused. “They’re not my friends.

bewildered. “Huh? Aren’t they

friends.” Lysanne supported her belly and walked


1424 +171

1 Coins =

1 Pearls


sneered, “Maybe

we know each


her smile. “Miss Everhart, I’m pregnant. There’s no need for you to be so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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