Chapter 70 Are You Falling For Her, Josiah?

Lysanne appeared to be in a frenzy as she struck out randomly. Mindful of her pregnancy, Josiah could only raise his arm to defend himself while ensuring she didn’t fall. Consequently, he received several heavy blows and even had his gold-rimmed glasses knocked off.

“Enough! Are you finished?” The female police officer yelled. “If you want to fight, take it outside the police station.”

Lysanne sat down with a huff while sulking as she turned her back. “I’m not going back with him!”

Josiah straightened his clothes and took a weary deep breath. “Have you let out all your anger?”

“No! Josiah, I’m telling you. This is not the end between us!”

He lowered his head and slowly rolled down the sleeve on his arm. “Fine. I’ll leave first then.”

“Josiah, how could you! I’m pregnant. Are you going to leave me alone outside? What if something happens-”

Josiah sneered. “When you and Lysander rushed into the middle of the road together today, weren’t. you afraid of something happening then?”

“Josiah, are you falling for her?”

He remained silent.

“Recently, you’ve been losing patience with me more and more. You used to be so patient and kind to me. Ever since you married this woman, you’ve been taking her side all the time!”

Taking her side?

smiled bitterly and was filled

in love with for over twenty years was finally able to be with him. He used to think that Lysander

suggested a divorce and he was even prepared to offer her a large sum of money if Lysander caused a scene. He would allow

use his connections to

She even decisively terminated the pregnancy to avoid any entanglements between them and the last bit of resistance between him and

had waited for over

remarked, “Could it be


Thu, May 30

70 Are You Falling


few years younger than him and Aiden was a junior to

of a playboy than him, with a different girl in the

guy who treated women as disposable while being fiercely loyal to

this kid’s behavior and

But Aiden admired him…

was not the elite student who studied hard, and being respected by so many people was not for

his wit’s end. Lysanne made it clear that she didn’t like him and always mentioned the words “good friends” with him while firmly establishing

decided to let loose and be carefree,

you really leave Lysanne alone at the police

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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