Chapter 85 Your Duty To The Girl!

Josiah returned to the old house after finishing work in the evening.

The maid opened the door and greeted him, “Mr. Guerra, you’re back.”

“Um, where’s my mom?” Josiah asked.

The maid replied, “Madam is reading the bible.”

“Reading the bible?” Josiah asked again.

The maid replied, “Yes.”

Josiah proceeded to the study room but was taken aback by the scene before him.

He thought. Mom seems to have aged more than ten years in just over a month. Despite her typical dedication to maintaining a youthful a

through a healthy lifestyle, she now adorns herself in nothing more than the

simplest home clothes. Her hair has turned noticeably white and a weariness clings to her.

“Mom,” Josiah called out.

raised her eyes, noticed him, and greeted him

weren’t feeling well, so I came to take you to

o about your business. Eleanor has already bought me medicine, and I’ve taken it. I’m much better now.” Susan assured

buy for you?

you know anything

Josiah admitted, “Not really.”

you don’t understand,

has aged a lot recently. She even

then approached and offered,

“Mm,” Susan acknowledged softly.

her temples with his fingertips. He asked, “How do you feel, Mom? Does

eyes and replied weakly, “How could it not be good? You learned massage


1039 +

1 Coins 1 Pearls

Duty To The


need. You didn’t learn it for me in the first place, Susan

gently brushed away his hand and pointed to the door, stating, “Alright, you’ve shown filial

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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