Chapter 98 Are You Not Feeling Guilty When You Say That?

That voice…

Lysander turned to look, seeing Josiah standing at the nearby exit. His brow furrowed tightly.

He strode over and reached out to take her hand. “Lysander, I’m here.”

Adrian was quicker, gently tilting her to the side and evading Josiah’s hand. “Mr. Guerra, what are you doing?”

Josiah’s face was frighteningly cold. “Dr. Sutton.”

Adrian smiled faintly. “Yes, Mr. Guerra. Do you remember me?”

“We met briefly outside the viral restaurant last time.

Adrian chuckled lightly. “I remember now. Mr. Guerra was accompanied by a pregnant woman, causing a scene at the restaurant.”

Josiah’s face turned as cold as ice. “Dr. Sutton, is it gentlemanly to embrace another man’s wife in front

of her husband?”-

Adrian raised an eyebrow and sneered. “Wife?”

“Of course.”

“If Dr. Thorne is your wife, then who is that pregnant woman? A lover or an affair?”


leg is injured, and she

her husband; I can

do you truly believe your


Adrian. “Dr. Sutton, thank you for taking care of me. Please put

move. “What? Does

think I won’t

was afraid of making a scene. She insisted. “Dr.

obeyed her. He

directly, extending hic hand with a fake smile “Dr Sutton thank you for taking care of my wife Would you like to have


10:04 Fri, May 31



together sometime?”

looked at his outstretched hand, chuckled lightly, and shook

was bustling, with people coming and going.

want to become the center of attention because of this incident.

Adrian, then turned

slowly. Josiah caught


cause trouble for me again. Didn’t you hear? She’s already threatened to ruin me. I’ve

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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