Chapter 92 You Still Say You’re Not Thinking About Her

Soon, Lysanne’s voice came from the phone. “Josiah! How dare you not answer my calls? Do you know how many times I’ve called you? Why didn’t you pick up?”

“Lysanne,” Josiah gently replied. “Wait for me in the lobby. There are some things we need to discuss- face to face.”

“The lobby? You want a pregnant woman like me to wait in the lobby? Where are you? I’ll come to you


“I’ll come down to meet you.”

The balconies all overlooked the valley outside. Last time, when he spoke to Lysanne on the eighth floor, Lysander could hear him from the second floor If he allowed Lysanne to come into the room, it might disturb his mother upstairs.

“No way! I’m not waiting in the lobby.”

“Then I’ll arrange for another room…”

Josiah, do you have something to hide in your room Could it be that you’re hiding a woman?”

Josiah replied in a deep voice, “No.”

on!” She then loudly

growled softly, “This is a private matter. Why are you causing

She’s just a receptionist

always assume that I’m involved with other women? Have I done an make you doubt me? Why do you always have to create a scene and act irrationally? Can’t w civilized conversation for

I’ll see for myself! Get

forcefully pushed aside the receptionist in front of the computer, entered Josiah’s ID number,

to stay! And you claim you’re

quickly got up and headed downstairs to

of the elevator, eventually intercepting the furious Lysanne near the

old house, but you’re actually here to meet that woman! Lysander is just a bitch!


Fri, May 31

Still Say


how she can still work in


stop me! I’m going to tear her

the elevator doors

stumbling out, looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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