Chapter 96 Scar

The nurse recognized her. “Dr. Thorne? Are you a relative of the patient?”

“Yes, the patient is my mother-in-law.”

Lysander signed the papers and handed the disclosure form back to her. “Thank you; the older adult has been suffering from headaches for about a month. She suddenly had a stroke for the first time today. When I arrived, her blood pressure was 50/90, and by the time we reached the hospital, it was 70/110, with oxygen levels at 86%. We administered oxygen for 45 minutes on the way here.”

The nurse nodded immediately. “Alright, Dr. Leslie needs this information. I’ll go tell her right away.”

“Thank you.”

The nurse turned and hurried back into the resuscitation room, and the door closed once again.

Eleanor apologized with a dry laugh. “Mrs. Guerra, it’s really thanks to you.”

She glanced in the direction of Josiah, then sighed. “Mr. Guerra…sigh.”

Lysander said, “Eleanor, I’ll go deal with the wound first. You rest here; I’ll be back soon.”

Eleanor then noticed her calf and suddenly exclaimed, “Oh my god, how did it get like this?”

The white gauze was already mostly stained red with blood.

Actually, it wasn’t surprising.

and fallen today, all while pushing a stretcher. It wasn’t

go to the surgical department


case the nurses inside need anything, there’s not even a family member

Guerra.” Eleanor stopped talking as soon as

Mr. Guerra.

won’t make a difference if he is here

Eleanor had something to say but stopped herself. She said

was extremely apologetic.

department was


May 31

Chapter 96 Scar


whether she took the elevator or the stairs,


could vaguely hear

mistress is a doctor at

prominent were Lysanne’s crics and Josiah’s

“Excuse me,” she said.

made way

the elevator

elevator, down the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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