Chapter 130 Are You Not Angry

Josiah was thoughtful. Instead of parking in the parking lot, he parked on a remote street.

Following the location he sent, Lysander walked over and searched for a while to no avail. Eventually, the sound of a car horn caught her attention. Following the direction of the sound, she noticed Josiah’s car parked in a very narrow alleyway.

She slowly approached him. “Your reverse driving skills are quite impressive.”

The car was already quite wide, and the alley was narrow. He had to meticulously maneuver the vehicle into the alley, with less than five centimeters to spare on either side.

“There are no surveillance cameras here.”

Lysander was slightly surprised. “Lysanne checks surveillance cameras too?”

“Who knows?” Josiah shrugged. “You know, I feel like I’m doing illegal business every time I go out.”

Lysander just laughed. “Well, at least she won’t keep you hanging this time.”

“Do you think that’s good?”

“I won’t pass judgment, but from my perspective, it seems like you’ve gotten exactly what you asked for.”

Josiah was already accustomed to her teasing.

“You wanted my help. Tell me, what can I do to help you? As long as I can, I’ll do it.”

“It’s about Priscilla.”

briefly explained Priscilla’s current situation to

era are

was somewhat helpless. “Priscilla has a soft personality, and with Harry’s mother being so dominant,

“What do you think?”

actually leaning toward not keeping this child. Given Harry’s character and

most rational choice, but it’s not fair to the unborn child. They have the right

was interrupted halfway

them understood

fit to be a mother,” Lysander

what I meant,” Josiah said. “Lysander, can we not

took a deep breath. “Priscilla wants to keep the baby. She has

3:20 PM

Are You

“So, did you agree?”

matter. After all, I’m not a family member. In the end, the decision has to be

“Okay, I understand. Leave

haven’t asked you to help

deal with Harry, right?” Josiah asked. “Don’t worry, I will talk to him. If Harry wants to keep it, even if it’s a girl, his

his promise, Lysander felt a

else I need to tell

“What is it?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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