Chapter 145 That Child Is Not Mine

Without thinking. Lynn spoke up in defense of Lysander. “When Old Mrs. Guerra was rushed to the hospital previously, it was Lysander who attended to her. Old Mrs. Guerra had a lot of trust in her, and they’ve always had a good relationship…”

“I am the Dr. Thorne you’ve been looking for,” said Lysander.

With a disapproving wave, Lynn exclaimed, “Dr. Thorne!”

Lysander reached out, pulling Lynn back toward her and positioning the latter behind Adrian. Understanding the gesture, Adrian shielded Lynn with his body.

Upon hearing that, Leo immediately rolled up his sleeves. “Really? So you’re the one seducing someone else’s husband? You do look pretty good, but have you no shame? Today, I must teach you a


As he spoke, his fist had already descended.

“Leo, don’t make a move…” However, it was ultimately too late for the middle–aged couple to intervene.

he made a decision, there was no turning back. It was unlikely he

his fist in

“Dr. Thorne!”


held their breath. Adrian was ready to retaliate, but Leo’s fist stopped

aback. “You… Aren’t you going to dodge? Do you

“Dare you?” snapped Lysander.

“What did you say? You think I wouldn’t dare? Today, I’ll show you what

fist was once again raised high, but just

still, simply watching him

person you are, I bet you have set a complete trap for me! Is there someone around here filming? Or are you waiting for me to hit you so you can extort money from me? Oh, I get it, you’re a doctor. You’ve got connections in the hospital, you can easily get a fake injury assessment, and then you can

replied, “You’re aware of my relationship with Josiah, so you should also know that asking you for money would be beneath me. I’d rather

“Do you two see that, Uncle Howard, Aunt Molly? Her true colors are showing, aren’t

Lysanne wouldn’t have even been able

Child Is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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