Chapter 170 Can You Man Up

Panic was evident in Aiden’s voice. “Josiah, please don’t-”

Upon entering, three of the four people locked eyes.

Lysander didn’t bother lifting her head as she was half–crouched on the ground, inspecting Zachary’s injury.

Zachary, on the other hand, recognized Josiah. “M–Mr. Guerra?”

Yet, Josiah paid him no mind, his gaze shifting downward to land on Lysander.

Zachary immediately endured the pain and turned around, doing his best to shield Lysander with his legs. Then, with a hint of apology, he said to Josiah, “I’m sorry, but we’re dealing with a bit of a unique situation. My friend is helping me out.”

His earlier position of standing sideways was actually better, as at least everyone could clearly see what was happening. But to protect Lysander and prevent others from seeing her face, Zachary abruptly turned around, shielding her from sight.

In this way, Lysander’s face was no longer visible.

Nonetheless, this position…

He stood there, while she semi–crouched before him, both of them drenched…

Aiden took a sharp intake of breath before quickly reaching out to grasp Josiah’s arm. “Josiah, let’s get out of here first…”

Josiah flung his hand away, a storm brewing in his eyes. “You stood outside for ages without daring to come in because you saw them… like this?”

Aiden’s face turned ashen. “To be honest, I didn’t actually see anything. I had just reached the door when I heard Lysander’s voice. She was saying something about how his pants were too tight so she could only tear them, and that it was quicker if she helped him. There was also the sound of a man gasping for breath. How could I not guess what was happening inside? I didn’t dare to enter…”

Upon hearing these words, Zachary’s face immediately changed. He frantically waved his hands and said, “No, it’s not like that. It’s not what you’re thinking! We were just…”

Lysander suddenly announced, slowly rising to her feet. She nonchalantly turned off the faucet and brushed the damp hair sticking to her face, acting as though nothing had happened. “Let’s go,

his brows. “Lysander, I need to

other, so it’ll just be a waste of words. Let’s go outside. With me here, it’s not appropriate for other

had no choice but to let her support

to leave the men’s restroom,

She halted.

to the vibrant red of her lips, adorned with glistening droplets of water. “You…” His Adam’s apple bobbed before he went on,



was somewhat taken aback. “Lysander, you

met with


“Oh, I see.”

abruptly pulled Lysander by her wrist, his eyes filled with fury. “You did it with him… in the men’s restroom? Lysander, it hasn’t been that long since we last saw

eyes and chuckled. “Mr.


“Aren’t we familiar

Guerra, your words are quite intriguing. How much is my salary? What’s the password to

Josiah was momentarily speechless.

wouldn’t be good if Mrs. Guerra sees us. After all, today is your engagement party, so it

around her wrist, but Josiah suddenly

with worry, took two quick steps

“Josiah and Ms. Thorne

Zachary’s lower region, scanning back and

After saying t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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