Chapter 172 Not To The Point Of Hatred

The color drained from Josiah’s face almost immediately.

Lysander couldn’t help but let out a cold laugh. Indeed, even the most gentle and chivalrous man would become enraged when their sexual prowess was brought into question.

“Lysander, you still hate me, don’t you.”

“It’s not to the point of hate; at most, it’s just annoyance.”

“I had no intention to intrude on your life during this period.”

“Who would want their ex–husband constantly following them around after a divorce? This feeling of being watched is extremely unpleasant.”

Josiah took a deep breath. “I just wanted to see if you’re doing well.”

“I’m doing great. My parents shower me with love, my little sister adores me, my job is going smoothly, and I get along well with both my boss and colleagues. You need to stop assuming that I’m living in misery without you, okay? Even without you, the world still turns, I still go to work, and life goes on. I’m not pitiful at all and don’t need any extra care. I’ve simply returned to my original life, do you understand?”

Josiah couldn’t find the words to respond.

yourself? If so,

her wrist and said, “Lysander,

wrist before asking, “What is

you do… that… for him when you clearly don’t even like

talk, this is what you’ve been dwelling on. Do you feel shortchanged because I didn’t do the

not it! I just want to understand. If you don’t like him, why would you go to such lengths for him? I don’t

all of two seconds, then bypassed him and immediately exited the

a single door

In fact, in a bustling city like Harborbrook, it wasn’t the kind of place that most families would choose for a wedding banquet

only contained roughly a dozen tables, yet it subtly appeared

gathered for a veteran’s reunion. To the right, the cluster in school uniforms was probably having a graduation

few tables left for guests of Josiah and

PM &

To The Point

vague silhouettes of people,

wheelchair, with her father holding a glass of wine high

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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