Chapter 151 No Longer Have Children

Perhaps it was because she had never seen Lysander speak so much at once, or maybe it was because she had never seen her in such a hysterical state before, but either way, Daphne was quite taken aback.

Lysander sighed. “Josiah, let’s just leave it at that. Don’t seek me out anymore and don’t call me either. What’s done is done. If you have regrets, find Lysanne. Whether you want to break up or get married, I don’t want to be involved in your affairs. I don’t even want to hear a single word about it.”

“Lysanne is no longer able to conceive,” replied Josiah.

Daphne was taken aback. “What?”

“The doctor just informed me. Her injuries this time are far too severe. She won’t be able to have children int the future.”

Startled, Daphne lifted her head and glanced at Lysander.

Lysander tightly pressed her lips together, remaining silent.

With a self–deprecating laugh, Josiah said, “You’re right, I brought this upon myself. I apologize for disturbing you. It won’t happen again. Goodbye, Lysander.”

After hearing the busy tone on the phone, it took quite a while before Lysander finally relaxed.

couch, unable to regain her composure

personally handled. She hadn’t inquired about the specifics, but it turned out, shockingly,

her composure. That homewrecker is infertile? Didn’t she

head. “I

large estate that they definitely need

softly, not uttering a word.

the next day, she paid a visit

had become

in her pursuit of beauty. At that moment, she had become skin and bones, with her skin taking on a dull yellow

appearance delighted

blanket for her.

though it was more pitiful than a

looked at Priscilla in that state, feeling uneasy as well. “Is Harry’s mother still forcing you to undergo a gender verification? Where

swamped with work, finding it difficult to spare time for


328 PM

No Longer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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