Chapter 197 Brother

Despite her words, Michelle walked quickly, with her left hand holding her mother’s and her right hand. holding her father’s.

In no time, they vanished around the stairway corner.

Holding her phone up as a makeshift flashlight, Lysander illuminated the steps for Zachary.


great difficulty, Zachary was holding three boxes, painstakingly moving them down step by step.

The three boxes were not light to begin with. Now, piled up in a stack, they obstructed Zachary’s view of his feet. He had no choice but to move sideways, taking slow, cautious steps.

“Zachary, why don’t you hand one of them to me?”

Zachary sidestepped her hand, gently declining. “Your hands are meant for surgery. They can’t afford the slightest mishap. I’ll take care of this heavy work.”

Zachary was persistent, leaving Lysander with no other choice but to assist him as best she could. She tried to illuminate their path more brightly, matching his pace as they slowly moved forward.

From the sixth floor, Zachary descended one level at a time. Before long, a layer of sweat had formed on his forehead. His white t–shirt was soaked in sweat, clinging to his body.

accepting her help. When they finally stepped out of the apartment door, both of them had a sense of relief as if their feet were finally on


that had just settled

where was Josiah to

she looked back at Michelle, the latter

He furrowed.

in close to whisper in his ear, “Josiah, to repay you for saving me time and again, rest assured, I will help

shouldn’t shout

at this. My parents didn’t object at all. They both

his aching wrist while he glanced over at Lysander. “All right. You’re just a kid. Don’t meddle in

their rented

director, who asked if she had managed to settle her family matters and when she could return to

our peak season,

4:50 PM

Chapter 197 Brother

had busy periods

there were two types of

first type were people who had meticulously planned their babies‘ arrival into this world, while

attend school, they found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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