Chapter 189 Mourning My Lost Love

Lysander’s life continued as usual.

In any life, there was bound to be problems.


First, she needed to find a new place for her parents to move into as soon as possible.

Secondly, her younger sister had experienced a heartbreak.

Lysander didn’t really have a solution for this. She also wasn’t particularly good at giving advice, and it seemed as though no amount of counsel would help with heartbreak. However, doing nothing wasn’t an option as she only had one sister.

So, when Michelle pleaded with her to go for a drink, Lysander thought for a moment and agreed.

At her age, she was the spitting image of Daphne from the past. Back then, Daphne had been so distraught that she almost broke down mentally, to the point of considering suicide. Michelle, however, merely sought solace in alcohol to temporarily numb herself. At least her life wasn’t in any danger.

Lysander chose a fairly respectable bar, requesting the most secluded booth. She let her younger sister sit inside, shielding her from view while she sat on the outside. This was to prevent any unwelcome guests from spotting the intoxicated young lady and getting any improper ideas.

much to drink, while her face was wet with tears. Hiccupping, she

said, “It’s

I even asking you? You’re like some kind of superhuman, unaffected by trivial matters such as love and


Michelle sat up straight, taking another gulp of her cold beer. “I argued with Mom and Dad for him. I even planned to move to

her sister. As soon as Lysander came down, she was embraced by Michelle who then

that time, she couldn’t probe further. Her priority was to soothe her sister’s

of sense left in her. By the time the two returned home, she had managed to stifle her sobs, moving quietly and gently so as not

herself together during the journey, but once they arrived and she had a few sips of alcohol, she completely lost control and broke down in tears, sobbing so hard that she

say to you

b*stard was forcing me to choose between my parents and my love. If I chose my family, he would break up

furrowed in concern. “Did he really


nodded in

if you had

capital. Does he think I’m a fool? This choice costs him nothing, as we’d still be following the original plan

chuckle. “Don’t you


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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