Chapter 213 Stay Away From Me


There were already many people around, and when the commotion started here, it instantly attracted a


Lysander really hated the feeling of being watched.

The last time she was surrounded like this was when his woman made a scene at the hospital entrance. She was forced into the spotlight, and the incident was widely talked about.

The medical industry was different from others. There was little staff turnover. Everyone in Harborbrook’s medical field more or less knew each other. Although no one had asked her face to face, she was well aware that there were discussions about her behind her back.

When something had happened to Michelle, Fred had made up an excuse for Lysander to take leave and go home. He wanted her to avoid this trouble and take a break at home for a while.

A dozen or so days had passed, and things had finally calmed down a bit. Yet there he was, causing trouble again.

“Josiah, did you two decide to harass me one after another?”

Josiah frowned. “I told you, I have nothing to do with her anymore.”

made it very clear to you that I have a

that whatever I say or do now may not make much difference. You’re still upset. You can tell me directly. What should

said decisively, That’s

can wait. Take your time

was getting bigger.


she the doctor from

it, she does

of people raised their phones,

Lysander. “Forget it, we won’t buy this house. Lysander, let’s

walked toward the main

the car that Lysander said angrily, “He’s a

the car, slowly merging into the stream of


Balance: 745

Stay Away From

“We agreed to part ways peacefully and

heart seems quite reasonable. After all, given the choice between you and Mrs. Guerra, any sensible person would opt

shook her head. “All I want now is for him to stay

steering wheel, slowly moved down. He gently held

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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