Chapter 242 The Outburst Of Josiah

Lysanne’s eyes reddened in the blink of an eye.

When she first came in, she was treated as an honored guest, addressed as “Mrs. Guerra” by Maxim and Remi. But now, having been scolded by Josiah, she felt so humiliated that she turned her head away, stepped back, covered her face, and sobbed quietly.

The manager of the restaurant rushed over right then.”

He stood at the entrance of the private room, not daring to move forward. “Sir, let’s talk things out calmly. I am the manager here. You can bring up any requests or complaints to me.”

The only responses to him, however, were the drunkard’s repeated screams and the gurgling sound. underwater.

The manager, fearing a real casualty, persuaded, “Sir, should we call the police if there’s any conflict? Our hotel doesn’t take sides. But if you keep this up, he’s going to die!”

Josiah remained still.

The bubbles on the water were almost on the verge of completely disappearing.

The manager implored anxiously, “Sir, please stop….”


time, Josiah finally reacted.

and saw Lysander quickly approaching him.


knocked askew, and his head tilted to

in surprise. Lysanne was also startled by the noise.

Are you going to kill someone in broad daylight?”

hold back on that slap. Even her own palm was burning.

the manager. “Get a few young men to come over and

waiters, and they clumsily pulled the

entire upper body was already soaked through, and

to have stopped

dead? Oh

Josiah and started to pull him outside. “Josiah, let’s

3 Jun

The Outburst of Josiah

“What about you?”



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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