Chapter 221 Do You Not Know Why She Avoided You

After ending the call, Lysander immediately kept her phone in her bag.

“It’s getting late, Dr. Sutton, I should head back.”

Only a few balls were left on the pool table.

Zachary had already lined up his shot, poised to strike the ball.

He straightened up and asked, “Are you in a hurry? Why not wait for me to finish this game with Dr. Sutton? It won’t take long for us to find out who’s the winner.”

Lysander mentioned, “My parents will start to worry if I stay out late.”

“Just a few more shots. I promise it will be very fast.”

Adrian chimed in, “We can decide who’s the winner next time. Dr. Thorne is right, it’s very late now. Let’s continue the game another day.”

Upon seeing the situation, Zachary went with the flow and put down his cue. “You’re right. Dr. Sutton, we’ll pick up our game next time we get the opportunity.”

“No problem.”

Lysander left hastily. Zachary grabbed his jacket and followed after her, cautioning, “Don’t rush as it’s getting dark. Mind your step.”

When Lynn returned, Adrian was the only one left by the pool table.

She scanned around and asked, “Dr. Sutton, where’s Dr. Thorne?”

“She’s gone home.”

only been here for

got a curfew to

that’s right. By the way, Dr. Sutton, your girlfriend has also left. I searched everywhere for her. Initially, I was informed that Ms. Sarah had gone to the restroom. Despite checking all of them, I couldn’t locate her. It was only after asking the bartender that I discovered she had

there’s an emergency.”

the game by himself, pocketing each of the balls.

couldn’t quite put her



confusion. “Why do we have to


You Not Know Why She

for someone.”

“Waiting for whom?”

a chill swept through the

door swung open forcefully, allowing a rush of cold

“Why is

glance at Josiah, looking travel–weary form his journey. He was still in his

Lysander?” he asked, panting.

laughed and replied,

is she

do Cou

Josiah fell silent.

the last eight–ball elegantly rebounding into the

to have a round of pool?”

cold and stern. “Do you think I’m in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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