Chapter 235 Do Not Get In The Way

Lysander patted Priscilla’s hand, and the two of them went to the checkout counter together.

Daphne handed the bill to Priscilla. “There are twenty–five items in total. To be safe, I’mostly picked essentials, including some women’s underwear. I’ve tried to spend as much of the money as possible. What do you think?”

Priscilla nodded. “That’s fine, Daphne. You’re familiar with this place, I trust.

“Okay, then let’s pay by card.”

Priscilla took out her bank card and handed it to the shop assistant.

When the shop assistant gave her the receipt to sign, Priscilla’s hand was trembling.

Lysander held her hand. “Priscilla, don’t be nervous.

Priscilla steadied herself and quickly signed her name.

“Here you go.”

assistant politely packed all the

said, “She’s pregnant and it’s inconvenient for her. I’ll take

well, Ms. Everhart.”

forgot to ask, what’s your

“It’s fifteen days.”

We’ll try them on at home. If there’s anything

store’s staff was impeccable.

“We bought so much, and if we return

dismissed her concern. “Don’t

items. If you’re still worried, you can privately compensate them

I don’t want those

readily agreed. “Sure, leave

speaking, the elevator


Get In The

“Wait. Dr. Thorne…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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