Chapter 237 When Do You Plan To Break Up

After resolving the asset’s issues, Lysander immediately arranged for Priscilla’s abortion.

However, Priscilla’s body was still too weak, and the procedure would be too harmful to her. To be cautious, Lysander scheduled the abortion for a week later.

When Priscilla returned to the hospital, it didn’t take long for Fred to find out.

He almost burst into her room. The elderly man, slightly hunched with age, clutched the door for a long moment, barely recognizing the skinny girl on the bed, a mere skeleton of the daughter he had cherished for over twenty years.

The moment Priscilla spoke, she burst into tears. “Dad, I’m sorry.”

Fred, a man in his sixties, immediately teared up. His steps were unsteady as he approached her, nearly stumbling.

Thankfully, Adrian was there to catch him.

Father and daughter embraced, with Priscilla sobbing heart–wrenchingly in her father’s arms. Fred held her gently, afraid his fragile daughter couldn’t bear the strength of a tighter hug.

Seeing this, Lynn also started to cry softly.

Lysander patted her hand. “Time to go. Let’s give them some time alone.”

Wiping her tears, Lynn followed Lysander back to the office.

had also come along, closed the door

really Priscilla? She’s not just skin and bones, it looks like she’s had

she’d endured at Harry’s rural hometown.

take much imagination to know it hadn’t been

probably didn’t even want to

all the way from the countryside to Harborbrook–how perilous that journey must have been remained

sighed. “Marrying the wrong person really brings endless suffering.”

was insinuating something. Even if he was, she couldn’t tell whether he was referring to Josiah

saying that marriages should be between social equals. I used to think it was outdated, but now I

“It’s mostly about the


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You Plan To

person’s character.”

turned to Lysander. “When are you planning to

she said, “Considering the friendship between our

wrong with

knew he was right.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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