Chapter 239 I Am Sorry

Lysander could distinctly feel a sharp gaze from across the room.

She turned away, avoiding meeting his eyes.

Maxim’s heavily pregnant wife, Remi Dyer smiled as she took Lysander’s hand. “Dr. Thorne, please sit. The meal is about to start.”

Lysander insisted. “But the other employees haven’t arrived yet. How can we start?”

Remi affectionately patted her hand. “They’re all young people, not into gatherings. My husband told them to go have fun on their own. Come, sit here.”

Lysander once again realized that although pregnant women were considered vulnerable, in a sense, they were also strong.

Because of her pregnancy, if she set her mind on something, those caught by her couldn’t dare resist too much.

Just like now, she was forced to passively sit by Remi, and she couldn’t directly shake off her hand.

It was reminiscent of when she was pulled into the chaotic traffic by Lysanne and nearly lost her life.

Remi called out, “Maxim, come over here. Let Zach sit in your spot. The young couple should sit together.”

Maxim slapped his forehead, laughing heartily. “Ah, that’s forgetful of me. Yes, yes, couples should sit together. Today, there are three couples here. It’s like celebrating Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that festive?”

abruptly set down his

Remi immediately fell silent, not daring to speak anymore.

room. He poured a cup of wine for Josiah first, then

his head back, downing half a

he turned the glass upside down,

and raised his voice. “I hope our architectural design company’s cooperation with Guerra Group goes smoothly,

remained unmoved, keeping his head slightly tilted. He looked like he was

shrinking into a small ball, not daring to utter a word.

a while, she called

Mon, 3

239 I Am

it’s nothing, don’t meddle.”


Remi was full of empathy. Taking advantage of her age, she jokingly advised, “Mrs. Reyes, don’t be so harsh to your wife. Be careful she won’t

“We live separately.”

her face. “D–Did you


smile. “No, we didn’t quarrel. He’s busy with work, sometimes working overnight, so it’s

at Josiah with a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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