Chapter 271 I Think I Have Seen This Woman Before

Lysander said, “Michelle’s scores are good, so she should go to a science and engineering university and choose a good major.”

“A science and engineering university…”

“Mom, if you have any thoughts, you can tell me.”

Laura said, “I was thinking, Zachary is currently in a state-owned enterprise. After all, he will be Michelle’s brother-in-law, our family. I was thinking, could we let Michelle study architecture or civil engineering, so that in the future, after she graduates, Zachary can help her get into the state-owned enterprise.”

Lysander gently advised, “Mom, a state-owned enterprise might not necessarily suit Michelle’s personality.”

“What’s not suitable about it? A state-owned enterprise is much more stable than a private one. You know what Michelle is like. It’s hard to imagine her working hard and getting promoted for a raise. In a state-owned enterprise, regardless of good or bad, they always pay the salary on time. A stable job is so much better.”


“How about this? Call Zachary and ask him to come over for dinner. Your dad and I can ask him about his work situation.”

Lysander’s eyes flickered. “He’s been very busy lately. Let’s not bother him.”

“Is his work getting busy again?”


and I were thinking of getting engaged after the New Year and

not sure either. Mom, Dad, let’s eat. The food is getting

was a knock at the

it Zachary?

go to the kitchen and get

Michelle’s puzzled voice sounded.


texted her this afternoon but she didn’t reply.



1 Coins 1 Pearls

her coat.

“Lysander, this lady says

out with the cutlery and also


Mrs. Thorne. I’m Dr. Thorne’s

I sec. You came to find Lysander so late at night. Is there something

no need, Mrs. Thorne. Thank you. I do have something to discuss with Dr. Thorne, but I won’t come in. My shoes are dirty, and I don’t want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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