Chapter 288 Assessing The Combat Power Of Their Opponents.

Lysander immediately looked up at Adrian.

I know nothing. Is he really confident enough to take on both Josiah and Lysanne by himself?

Josiah seemed to share the same doubt. He coldly scrutinized Adrian, much like a predator assessing its rival’s strength.

Adrian didn’t show any particular reaction. He just stood there, openly inviting his scrutiny.

“Oh my. Lysanne, are you okay?” Yvonne suddenly exclaimed, rushing to Lysanne’s side and supporting her.

Lysanne’s face was pale, weakly leaning against Yvonne as she shook her head slightly. “I-I’m fine.”

Adrian glanced at the weak Lysanne and suggested, “Maybe we should call it off. Mr. Guerra, you should take Mrs. Guerra to the hospital first. She doesn’t seem well, and it doesn’t look like an act.”

Josiah furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”

Tears glistened in her slightly reddened eyes. “I-I’m really fine. We’re supposed to play, right? I can do

steadying herself against the pool table.


to be acting.

something to

grabbing her.

doing? Faking an accident? Get up! Your husband is right there. Don’t cling to

smiled desolately,

all a misunderstanding before, and I’ve explained it all for you. You and Josiah are engaged. Even if he’s not your husband now, he will

sentence wasn’t directed at Lysanne

deliberately said

She didn’t look too pleased now. “Enough, Yvie.


“You don’t appreciate my kindness. so


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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