Chapter 308 But No Thanks

It was nearing the end of the workday in the afternoon, and Lysander assisted Lynn with her thesis.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open.

Lynn thought it was a patient and immediately stood up. “What happened? And which bed?”

Sweeping a gaze over the intruder, Lysander stated directly. “The third floor of the annex. Once you’ve exited the elevator, take the left turn and go all the way to the end. The key is on the windowsill at the side.”

The woman let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Then, she whirled around to leave in a hurry.

“Wait a moment.”

The woman halted in her tracks, turning back to look at Lysander.

‘Go to Bed No. 54. Remember to take the documents on the bedside table.”


As swift as the woman came, she left just as swiftly.

Lynn was utterly bewildered. “Dr. Thorne, who was that just now?”

“Someone I know.”



the third

that person just now

there seems to be an issue with your citation here. Come and take a

obediently ran back and sat down in front of the

doctor. What bothered her the most was writing a

same went for publishing articles. The amount of writing

had a rare moment of leisure. However, Lynn’s thesis was riddled with problems. that seemed to pop up one after another. She was about to leave soon,

in the hospital got along quite well, when it came to the tedious task of writing a thesis. few


worried sick. “Dr. Thorne, after you leave, what

always have to

also put in a request


Knock! Knock!

on the door

“I’ll leave the skeletons to you all,

woman smiled without responding. Instead, she turned

something you want to say to

He has a message for me to

“What is it?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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