Chapter 298 Pestering Her

Behind the main hall of Gute Temple, there was a botanical garden.

It was very quiet.

Howard pushed Molly under the gazebo behind the botanical garden.

“I really didn’t expect to meet you here, Dr. Thorne!”

She had originally wanted to leave the main hall quietly.

However, since Howard already saw her, she made no attempt to avoid them.

“Um, I came to request for a lucky charm.”

Howard smiled kindly as he said, “Yes, I heard that the lucky charms here are very effective.”

two here to ask for a peace charm

are. She’s recently been injured

“Oh, I see.”

sobs. She grabbed her hand, pleading, “Dr. Thorne, can you help Lyss? I know Lyss was very immature before and did

withdrew her hand and replied, “Madam, I am from the obstetrics and gynecolo department.

you don’t

as he cut

the corner of her eyes with her

just follow the doctor’s advice. Whatever the doctor’s treatment is, you only need cooperate. If the scars are severe, our hospital also has a plastic surgery department, which can perform some cosmetic surgeries to repair her face, so don’t worry

her appearance. Old Mrs. Guerra seems to have been pestering


frequent nightmares. She dreams of Old Mrs. Guerra coming to find her, asking her to pay with her life for her


chaline hann hanner this


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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