Chapter 301 It Could Not Prove Anything

When Lysander heard the word biological parents, her heart inexorably jolted.

“Hey, why did you rummage this red string out and put it on?” Maverick asked.

Lysander paused for a moment before replying, “Mom said this is a lucky charm.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Maverick nodded. “Keep it on. It will allow us to rest easier.”

“Dad, how much did it cost for this red string when you both bought it for me? A colleague of mine saw it and wants to get one, too.”

“That was so many years ago. How could I possibly remember? Besides, the value of money back then was nothing like it is now,” Maverick answered.

“Where did you buy it, then? At Harborbrook Temple

“Hmm… I honestly can’t remember anymore.”


“Don’t you young girls prefer bracelets made of pretty little beads? I’m surprised someone would still like something as rustic as a red string

Lysander chuckled lightly. “Maybe she feels that the simpler something is, the more effective it is. By the way. Dad, does Michelle have one? I don’t recall ever seeing her wear one.”

picture yet!” Maverick waved his hand dismissively. this red string. Quick, help me check the balances on these bank books. I can’t

her father a

books, the combined total of which was a

these th hundred and eighty thousand. I’ve done


you want to say. I’m


just wanted to ask where exactly our family’s household registry

need the household registry?” Maverick

passport application

Balance 3519 +397

Coms – 1

caught the implication behind it. “He came

him downstairs. He probably knew that he wasn’t welcome here, so he didn’t come up


to stay away from you and not to bother you again,” Maverick said resentfully.



not lose it.”

just take a few photos and return

her room with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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