Chapter 331 Harry Has Been Found

Molly chuckled. “There were reasons for the divorce, right? Was it because of Lyss… Never mind, lers not bring up past heartaches. The issue at hand has been resolved. hasn’t There’s no other problem now. After all, people can always remarry even after a divorce.”

Daphne furrowed her brows. “That’s not exactly how it goes-

Suddenly, Lysanne interjected, “Ms. Everhart, shouldn’t we let Dr. Thorne decide on matters concerning herself and Josiah? You’re her friend, that’s true, but you’re not her. If she and Josiah are truly in love, won’t your interference just delay them?

Upon hearing those words. Daphne found herself somewhat at a loss for words.

Just a moment ago, Lysander had indeed asked her to step aside, wanting to have a private conversation with Josiah.

Thus, she was unable to retort.

Stammering slightly, Daphne said. “This matter also doesn’t really concern you and your mother, does it? Could you please refrain from meddling in affairs that don’t concern you?”

“All right.” Lysanne nodded agreeably. “Let’s not interfere. We should let Dr. Thorne and Josiah resolve it themselves.””

Daphne rolled her eyes, but her tone softened considerably. “That’s more like it.”

“Harry has been found.” Josiah put away his phone. “Lysander, I’ll leave you here with Daphne for now. I need to go take care of him.”

Daphne immediately rose to her feet, excitement lighting up her eyes. “You found him? Where?”

finally saying, “He

burn him alive, I’m

responded with two

and through the blanket, he gently held

look after Lysander for me. I’ll be back quickly once I’ve sorted this

All I want to see is Harry roasted! Remember to apply a

“Wait for

Molly. “I’ll be


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Coins =

assured, I know what I’m doing.”

healing. Since Harry has now fallen into Josiah’s

nodded, though she kept

left, Lysanne’s gaze

followed him persistently until his figure vanished beyond

soon as she turned around, she

the matter, Dr. Thorne? Why

help with,


give Ms.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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