Chapter 346 The Muse Inspired My Extraordinary Performance

Upon hearing these words, Adrian gave a slight smile. “Indeed, she hast. changed much.”

“Who would have thought that you are such a skilled artist, Dr. Sutton.”

“Truth be told, I’m not much of an artist. I dabble here and there, but I’ve never had formal training. I guess you could say that it was the muse that inspire my exceptional performance.”

Josiah asked, “How old was she at that time?”

“She was in her sophomore year,” Adrian said. “I happened to visit Harborbrook Medical University when I returned to the country for an exchange that year!

Josiah tilted his head to look at the painting, giving a slight nod. “Does this small path still exist in the medical university now?”

“I’m not sure. You should ask Lysander about it.”

Josiah turned around, looking toward Ivsander, who was in the kitchen trying to make herself less noticeable while watching the kettle boil. “Does it?”

Lysander pointed to her throat, indicating she couldn’t speak.

“Oh, I forgot. Your voice hasn’t recovered yet,

bar counter. His

Lysander frowned in displeasure.

are you able to go to

away. She would have to first familiarize herself with the hospital’s environment and procedures, then get to

After listening,

for taking

didn’t respond; he simply sat

was placed on the coffee table. He rummaged through it, pulling out a syringe and a

Lysander nodded.

the water had started

fridge and mixed it with the recently boiled water to create a drinkable lukewarm mixture. She then carried it to the living


a smile, he accepted it. “Thank

once again touched his forehead, then rummaged through ti bag to find the antipyretic and

wait half an hour

“Got it.”

into his mouth. He then took a sip


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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