Chapter 359 The Despicable Move

Lysanne was holding a bouquet of flowers, looking innocent and harmless. “Didn’t I tell you? My good friend Nina is about to have a baby, and I came to keep her company for a while. I just ran into Miles at the entrance, and he mentioned you were here getting your wounds tended to.”

Josiah frowned. “Your friend is in Stounia?”

“Yeah, she’s staying in the maternity ward.”

Josiah uttered coldly. “Then you should go quickly.

“Don’t worry, there’s no rush. Your injury… how did it suddenly get so severe? When you were back home, wasn’t it improving? Did you get it wet? The doctor said you couldn’t get it wet, so why did you-

“Enough!” Josiah interrupted her impatiently. “I don’t need you to meddle in my affairs. Just go attend to your best friend.”

“Oh, okay.” Lysanne was very obedient, even casually acknowledging Lysander’s presence as well. “Dr. Thorne, you’re here too.”

Lysander remained silent.

Lysanne said with a smile, “You guys continue chatting: I’ll head up first.”

Once she had left, Josiah immediately clarified, “I genuinely had no idea she would come to Stounia too.”


“She said her friend is in the maternity ward. Did you see her there today?”


sigh of relief, quietly muttering under his breath, “You don’t need to worry about her. She won’t dare to do

“Indeed, it seems she’s

up, ready

questioned, “Where are you

going to make a

To whom?”

to keep

to control you.” Josiah’s voice was filled with helplessness. “I’m just afraid you might leave again.”


ahead. I’ll be done here soon, so just wait

359 The Despicable Move

word, Lysander simply walked

outside, she spotted Lysanne sneakily standing there, her ear pressed against

door abruptly startled Lysanne, who could only cover

looking at her, she glared

phone and moved to a slightly secluded

quickly. “Who’s

“Daphne, it’s me.”

got a SIM

you could say that.”

fully recovered, has it?

improvement. A while back, I could only communicate by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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