Chapter 361 Stay With Me

Josiah said, “The incident happened at the Everhart residence. Strictly speaking, you have the right to press charges. The Everhart family owes you an explanation.”

“Why would I press charges against the Everhart family? Mr. Everhart has always been kind to me, not to mention Daphne.”

With a wry laugh, Josiah said, “You’re kind to everyone, but you’re ruthless to me.”

“I’m even more ruthless to myself.”

Josiah’s face stiffened slightly, and he remained silent.

“That ruthless afternoon, the lump of flesh and blood was reduced to ashes. It was true that she was ruthless.

to herself.

“What did Daphne talk to you about? Why do you two need to hide it from me?”

Josiah shook his head. “It’s nothing. She just asked about a few things.”

“Do those few things involve me?”


“If it doesn’t concern me, why did you walk away?”

Josiah’s face alternated between shades of pale and flush. “Anyway, it really has nothing to do with you.”

“Why does your expression look so odd? It just doesn’t seem right, no matter how I look at it.”

Josiah sighed helplessly. “Do you really want to know?”

Lysander paused for a moment and nodded.

took a deep breath, his voice heavy. “She asked me if a man could have sex with



for a moment

you’re not a man, and you wouldn’t understand a

at a loss

indeed something Daphne was capable of

did you

and three nights, a total of eighty–four hours, or five

Balance: 4522 +1493


1 Pearls


361 Stay With Me

annoyance, Josiah shot her a

Lysander chuckled softly.

said. “Don’t blame yourself. You don’t have any other

you know?”

instantly. “What did

not with me twenty–four hours


and kept

“Zachary? Adrian?”


gripping her

a name

his brows. “When did you start having Japriumians around

speechless. “Where did you get that kind of film? Who gave it to you? Daphne? What kind of inappropriate stuff has she been showing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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