Chapter 387 Stand In For One Another

Lysander greeted her colleagues in the ICU and then made a trip to the obstetrics and gynecology. department.

Lynn was not present that night. Instead, a new intern, whom Lysander was unfamiliar with, was on duty.

Seeing Lysander approach, the intern asked, “Madam, there are no doctors on duty here at night. You might want to go to the emergency room.”

Lysander replied, “I came to pick up something.”

“Oh? Did you leave something here? You’ll need to register at the nurse‘ station.”

A nurse who knew Lysander happened to walk over to her and greet her. “Dr. Thorne, weren’t you assigned elsewhere?”

“I returned to the country to attend to some matters,” Lysander said. “Is Lynn’s folding bed still around?”

“Yes. I saw her using it just yesterday.”

“All right. Please help me to inform her when she comes tomorrow. I’ll be borrowing it for tonight and will return it to her tomorrow.”

“Okay. Where do you need it taken to? Let me help you carry it there.”

“No need. There’s an elevator.”

When Lysander retrieved the folding bed and returned to the ICU entrance, she encountered Josiah, who seemed rather anxious, pacing back and forth at the doorway.

her. He immediately approached Lysander

planning on sleeping here

seen family members of patients sleeping outside the ICU. I never thought it would be

asked, “Where do you

is fine. Somewhere she can spot me the moment she wakes

instructions, Josiah

before he said, “Okay, up the folding bed. He tested it first,

I’ll go find a nurse

As long as there’s a place to rest, it’s

next to her with his hands hanging loosely by his side. He watched as she slowly took a seat,

mind, yet he was at a loss for



Coin 1 Pearls


Stand in For

not a doctor. How can you be so sure

just wanted to make you feel

cold–hearted person. I don’t

not cursing anyone. I’m merely drawing a comparison. If the person lying there now were the mother who raised you, you

a moment, then softly hummed in

still remember things from before you were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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