Chapter 376 You Are Incapable

Lysander let out a self–deprecating chuckle. “Perhaps she wanted to publicly label me as the one who tried- to seduce her fiance?”

Adrian was instantly filled with disdain.

Lysander was somewhat exasperated. “I never thought that even in Stounia, they would still be bothering me.”

“If you’re truly determined to end it, you’ll undoubtedly be able to do so.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” Lysander asked. “You know I’ve tried everything. I even stopped using my phone when I first arrived in Stounia.”

It’s simple. Find someone and get married.”

Lysander went silent.

“Once you’re married and have a husband in the eyes of the law, all of Josiah’s schemes will be pointless. No matter how powerful he is, he can’t surpass the law,” he said.

Adrian’s gaze was unwavering and fervent, causing a sense of unease to stir within Lysander’s heart.

Consequently, she had no choice but to lower her gaze to her own toes, avoiding his stare.

“You still don’t want to cut ties with him,” he uttered.

“I do!”

then? It’s clear that my suggestion is the

a serious


this person is willing to

please not do

moment he

understood, she felt incredibly troubled.

that oil painting in

have any reservations?”

distress. “This is not a

“What’s the issue?”

of giving you/what you want.”




3 Jun

You Are Incapable


for so long, that was the first time she

she said resolutely, “I’ve told you.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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