Chapter 385 Laughing At Myself

By then, Susan also discerned that things didn’t seem as straightforward as she had initially thought.

“Josiah, what’s going on?” Susan asked.

In response. Josiah let out a cold, humorless laugh.

“Why are you laughing when I’m asking you a question?”

Josiah withdrew his gaze, closing his eyes in pain. “I’m laughing at myself.”

Howard was puzzled. “Josiah, why are you so worked up?”

Josiah had his eyes shut, and he furrowed his brows tightly in distress.

Understanding her son, Susan stepped in to explain, “Howard, let’s leave the kids to sort out their own issues. We should check on Molly first.”

The moment those words fell, the door to the ICU opened. “Dr. Thorne?”

The scene that night was steeped in desolation, filled with profound sorrow, and tinged with palpable

terror and confusion..

Lysander became the most composed person.


more days in the ICU. Additionally, she’s been crying constantly. It might be beneficial if a family member could stay outside the glass to keep her company

resolutely, “I’ll do it!”

Lysander said. “You’re advanced in years and have been pushing yourself for so many days. You

surfaced on Howard’s face,

Lysander called

Josiah responded, “I’m

off my dad at

Carol do that. I’ll stay here with


right, leave it to me.”

the hospital to see

Balance 4522+ 893

Mon, 3 Jun

385 Laughing

be able to handle it

bitter smile. “I

anyone with

might never see Lysander again.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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