Chapter 665 Carrying Her

Lysander reached out, interiding to take back the mosquito repellent.

Seeing her persistence, Josiah didn’t insist on holding onto it. He had just handed it over when he heard footsteps approaching. Before he could even glance toward the door, Rhizone, clutching a blanket, appeared before them.

Compared to his eloquent sister, Rhizone was much more reserved. His words were always brief but meaningful. “Josiah, Dr. Thorne, Mom said it’s cold here. She asked me to bring you another blanket.”

The bedding and pillowcases that Nilou had previously brought over were still there. Now, with the addition of this thick blanket, it was clear that their family had truly put thought into it.

Upon seeing Rhizone clutching the blanket that almost covered his eyes, Josiah quickly unzipped the mosquito net to assist him.

Lysander said, “I really can’t thank you enough.”

“It’s fi…” Rhizone was mid–way through the response as his sister had instructed him when his gaze fell upon the cushion next to Lysander. Suddenly alarmed, he blurted out, “Don’t move!”

Upon hearing those words, Josiah, who had just received the blanket, and Lysander, who was about to continue applying the medicine, simultaneously halted their actions.

Leaning forward, Rhizone whispered, “Dr. Thorne, there’s a centipede near your foot!”

Lysander’s face instantly turned deathly pale..

“I–Is it poisonous?” she asked.

Rhizone shook his head. “I can’t quite make it out.”

In the rural health center, there was simply no antidote available. Hence, anyone unfortunate enough to be bitten would likely be left to the mercy of fate.

she couldn’t determine where

to drop the blanket in haste to squash the centipede. Before he could even do so, Rhizone had already lifted Lysander effortlessly with one hand supporting her knee and the

approximately 1.3 meters. However, Lysander was also notably tall among girls. Surprisingly,

Guerra,” Rhizone

his intent, Josiah took Lysander from Rhizone’s hands, carrying her in

Rhizone exclaimed, “It’s poisonous!”

mosquito repellant over there. I don’t know if it works, but give it a shot.”


to keep quiet. Then he crouched down, swiftly picking up the centipede that had crawled onto the mat

length of a palm, its body gleaming darkly under the moonlight, appearing ominously venomous.

couldn’t care less about being surprised by Rhizone’s strength, urgently saying, “Quick, throw

is really

centipede, Rhizone stood up, explaining without a hint of fear, “I’m fine. The village elder taught me how to catch centipedes. As long as you hold it below its head like this, it can’t possibly bite you. However, grabbing its

in his hand, its countless legs writhing in an exceptionally unsettling manner. Yet, all its efforts were in vain, for

notice that Rhizone’s way of holding the centipede was unique, a sign of rich experience. He

doubtfully, “You

bugs is done like this. I’ve never caught

langoustine, Lysander’s reaction was less than favorable. She instinctively turned her face away, evidently not fond

the woman in his arms was away from the menacing centipede Rhizone

Lysander’s fear until Nilou came running over with a clay jar soaked with lotus flowers and seed

quickly get rid of that centipede, don’t scare Dr. Thorne!”

carried the centipede away from the direction of the cabin. It seemed he intended to release the insect into the

then did Lysander slowly release her tight grip on

share a strong bond,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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