The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Jnr Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Darius looked at the gorgeous lady standing in front of him and quickly masked the surprised expression that flitted across his face. Nevertheless, albeit it was only for a few seconds, Janet Fox noticed his surprised reaction and felt pleased at that. That small instant was enough for her to know that Darius was surprised at her identity. It meant that Darius knew who she was.

“Are you not going to offer me a seat, Darius?” Janet said playfully.

Her words jolted Darius from his thoughts, and he offered her a seat, before taking his back.

Darius looked at Janet expressionlessly, but his mind was going through turmoil at the moment. He had no idea why Janet Fox, the second ranked beauty in Kingston University approached him. Darius was incredibly poor some months ago, so even though he often heard the stories and gossips concerning the top ten campus beauties, he never had the opportunity to interact with them.

It wasn’t until he discovered his true identity as the heir to the Reid consortium that he was able to come in close contact with them. Yet, with how busy Darius was, he didn’t care about the top ten campus beauties at all; or rather, he didn’t have the time to care about them. If it weren’t for his dislike for the way the Gillette father and son duo conducted business, he wouldn’t have helped Pearl Chamberlain at all.

The father and son duo conducted business with utterly despicable means, and so many innocent people had fallen victims to their actions. There was no way Darius could let them continue to act as they pleased, hence the reason he stepped in.

The last time Darius was in close contact with Janet Fox was during the Charity gala at this same hotel. Even at that, he didn’t talk to her, so it was safe to say that they had nothing to do with one another. This was why Darius was skeptical at Janet’s decision to approach him.

Meanwhile, Janet stared at Darius with a playful but curious gaze in her attractive blue eyes. She had definitely heard of Darius Reid, as he was the infamous peasant of Kingston University. She had heard so many rumors of him, so much that they were impossible to count, including how he was unable to afford a meal.

gossips that were not beneficial to her in anyway. However,

throughout the majority of Kingston University, so it was normal for someone of her status to have heard

few weeks later, Darius was completely different from how she remembered him from the gossips. He was now driving a very luxurious sports car, and was able to spend over $4.1 million in the charity gala. He even outbid the third ranked beauty in Kingston University, Pearl Chamberlain, in the auction held in the

He was the perfect example of from rags to riches. The well known peasant in the university was now extremely wealthy. There was no one who wouldn’t be curious. Surprisingly, after the charity gala, Darius became extremely low-key again. Therefore, Janet barely received

a meal at the Sky Golden Hotel, as it was the most luxurious hotel in the district. Yet, she

Elated by the turn in events, she approached Darius. The conversation that ensued between

Darius thought, Janet didn’t have any ulterior motive for approaching him.

When the waiter was faced with Janet’s gorgeous appearance,

lady was extremely handsome himself. While he didn’t know the relationship the two shared, he knew it was not in his place for him to cause any trouble, so he carried out his duties and left quietly. After the waiter’s departure, Janet took the initiative to speak and finally broke the silence that the two


in Darius increasing with each sentence Darius spoke. Most of the men she had conversed with were barely productive, as the majority

or angered at such a development. She was used to seeing men make a fool out of themselves when they saw her beauty. In as much as she refused to accept it,

During the course of the duration, Darius was able to know more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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