The Consortium's Heir

The Consortium’s Heir By Benjamin Chapter 139

Chapter 139 Beads of sweat drooped down Darius’ face when faced with the menacing pistol in Michael’s hand. The safety of the pistol was off, and the moment Michael pulled the trigger, a bullet would be embedded in Darius’ heart.

Darius felt genuine fear when faced with the gun trained on his heart. He wasn’t a fool, so he knew that with the amount of training he had now, there was no absolutely no way he could dodge a bullet. The instant Michael shot him, Darius would be a goner. Alice’s eyes widened in shock and horror the second she saw the menacing pistol in Michael’s hands; and her heart started pounding rapidly. Her blood immediately ran cold, and she had never felt so much fear in her life before.

“Wait!” Darius bellowed loudly just as Michael was about to pull the trigger.

Michael paused and looked at Darius with a sinister gaze; while the police officers outside the cabin moved closer to the cabin the moment they saw a firearm in Michael’s hands.

“Do you have any last words?” Michael asked sinisterly, the gun still trained on Darius’ heart. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Darius pleaded. “There is still a chance for you to make a comeback. At most you just have to face charges for kidnapping. With your wealth and status, you wouldn’t spend more than five years in prison; but the moment you shoot me, even if I don’t die, you will be charged with attempted murder.”

“This time, you will not be able to worm your way out of this no matter your status. Are you sure you want to do this?” Darius pleaded, trying to speak sense into Michael.

Michael looked at Darius and laughed manically.

“You took my woman away from me, and now you’re pleading for leniency. Do you think you’re in any position to plead for mercy?” Michael asked cynically.

I shoot you, I would no longer be able to save myself. Even then, I still have to kill you.” Michael stated firmly; and


later, Darius only felt something solid embed itself on his chest, and he swayed unsteadily for a few

screamed loudly the second the bullet connected with Darius’ chest. Her heart squeezed painfully as she watched Darius sway unsteadily on

Of course, the gunshot sounds were from the police, who had shed all forms of civility with Michael and opted for the forceful approach to arrest him. Since he had shot a civilian, there was

the remaining strength he had left, he brought out a smoke bomb he prepared for the worst case scenario and threw it into the clearing, completely obstructing the police officers’ view. He then fled into the vast forest using the secret route he

the woods! After him!” A police officer with keen eyes shouted after spotting Michael’s fleeing figure amidst the thick smoke. Immediately, more than half of the police officers went

wheeled the critically injured Darius out of the cabin on a stretcher and handed him over

Michael was running as fast as he could in the dark forest, but he could

police officers

dark forest. The police hounds were also tracing Michael’s scent, and were leading the police in the right direction. Michael gritted his teeth and ran; his calm and relaxed demeanor nowhere to be found anymore. His impeccable suit was stained with blood and dirt, and several scratches could be found on his skin, but he could not care

was running on. By the time he focused his attention on the path, it was too late for him to slow down, so he crashed directly into the figure. “Son of a bitch!” Michael cursed angrily; but there was also a

he could barely see this figure, and a creepy aura kept emanating from the figure, eliciting goosebumps on

voice, ignoring Michael’s question

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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